
Active Travel




Apr 27, 2012 | Running | 0 comments

This post is my way of saying a huge THANK YOU to Emily, the snazziest runner I know, for running the marathon with me on Sunday. And also a big thanks to all my friends, family and colleagues who supported me during my training, came to watch me and sponsored me! You’re all amazing!

Here are 10 things I think you should know about the snazzy runner’s marathon…

1.      She ran with a very sore hip, dosing herself up on painkillers, stomach liners and wearing a numbing patch throughout the run. So brave.
2.       We kept each other from running too fast during the first half of race, telling each other to slow down when we thought we were going too fast.
3.       She raised a lot of money for MS and had ‘SNAZZY RUNNER :)’ written by Amanda on the back of her marathon top!

4.       She listened to fast, angry music during the marathon- before her ipod died at mile 24!
5.       She doesn’t run with water (or lucozade), I think she is mad as I have liquid with me all the time. Emily took large gulps at some of the water stations and then threw the bottles aside.
6.       We stole sweets from children at the side of the course. More than once. But they were giving them away so we didn’t feel so bad!
7.       We waved at some very random people on the top of a block of flats around mile 7. They were not Emily’s friends but we waved anyway!
8.       When I hit the wall, I told Emily a number of times to ‘go ahead’ to ‘leave me and my stitch’.  I so wanted to walk at that point, but Emily wouldn’t leave, she stayed with me, telling me to run through it, and constantly checking behind to make sure I was still with her. As we ran under Blackfriars Bridge I got a bit teary thanking her for staying with me, and telling her that I would have walked without her. Her response was ‘I know you would have walked, now lets keep running!’.

9.       Emily could have sped off down the final mile, but she didn’t, she waited for me so that  we could finish together.
10.   We crossed the finish line holding hands- super cheesy but felt appropriate! (sorry for yanking out your headphones as I grabbed your hand Em!)  It meant that we got EXACTLY the same time… (unfortunately finishing photos haven’t been posted yet but I will be sure to get one up as soon as I see it!)
So THANK YOU so much Emily for keeping me going. I love that we got to run our first marathon together and I am so proud of us both for finishing despite our injuries!
Also here are our kilometre splits – not sure why they do them in K rather than miles?

Split time diff min/km km/h
5K 00:34:14 34:14:00 06:51 8.76
10K 01:08:30 34:16:00 06:52 8.76
15K 01:43:20 34:50:00 06:58 8.61
20K 02:17:01 33:41:00 06:45 8.91
HALF 02:24:33 07:32 06:53 8.73
25K 02:51:46 27:13:00 06:59 8.61
30K 03:27:53 36:07:00 07:14 8.3
35K 04:04:10 36:17:00 07:16 8.27
40K 04:40:17 36:07:00 07:14 8.31
finish time 04:54:59 14:42 06:43 8.95

One day you won’t be able to do this. Today is NOT that day.  


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