
Active Travel



How To Return To Running After Injury

How To Return To Running After Injury

We’ve all been there: after several days/weeks/months on the sofa, you realise that your [insert body part] doesn’t hurt anymore and you enthusiastically lace up ready to make a big comeback. Then one of two things happen: You realise you aren’t as fit as you once...

Coming Back From Injury is Hard

Why does it seem so hard to come back from time off running? Whether thats due to work/life taking over, holidays, or sickness/injury. Fitness seems to be lost so quickly when we work so hard to make small gains. I’m lucky that my knee/ITB/quad is my only...
Cryotherapy for Running Recovery

Cryotherapy for Running Recovery

‘The temperature in the chamber will go down to -140 degrees Celsius’ WHAT? My initial reaction was, ‘are you joking?’ when I was told that I was about to immerse my body into such freezing conditions for 2 minutes. I’m not good with the...
Runners, Should You Be Seeing A Podiatrist?

Runners, Should You Be Seeing A Podiatrist?

My feet are gross. I’ve run 6 marathons and clocked up thousands of miles in training, and my feet have borne the brunt of this. I’ve lost toenails (see how to avoid losing your nails in this blog), had countless blisters, a corn, and there’s been...