
Active Travel



An Update

Oct 4, 2015 | Uncategorized | 12 comments

I love those ‘if we were having coffee’ updates, reading them makes me feel like we’re catching up as old friends do. So this post will be a little bit of a life update, on my knee, my marathon thoughts, and the next few weeks!

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I’m off to New York on Tuesday to see Ashley, Zoe and Kate, and I can’t wait. I haven’t been to New York for a few years, and I’m excited to check out the eating and fitness scene over there. I’ve booked in to a ‘Rest’ yoga class with Ashley and Zoe on Tuesday night, think it will be the perfect post-flight stretch. I’m also hoping to do a mini-shake out run around Central Park while I’m there. I fly out to Chicago on Thursday to meet up with my parents and Tom there.

medals with Ashley

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that my knee is a little crunchy. A very technical term. I am icing, bathing and taking it easy in the hope that it will be fine on race day. I haven’t run properly in a week but am going for a gentle run this afternoon.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I’m really nervous for the race, but with everything that has happened over the last week, my main goal is to run the race feeling strong and enjoy it. I’ll be running for as long as possible with the 3.35 Nike pace group and will have to stay confident, positive and see what happens.

If we were having coffee…I’d tell you that the past week has been difficult. My friend Simon died last weekend in a tragic accident in Singapore, and this week has been all about time with our Uni friends, trying to make sense of what happened, grieving, and remembering what an incredibly lovely, genuine, kind man he was. I will be running the Chicago marathon for Simon, dedicating each mile to him.

University friends

If we were having coffee…hopefully I wouldn’t also be munching on a huge piece of cake, my comfort eating this week has been a little outrageous, but I’m trying to get back on track now. I’m not drinking until the marathon, and am trying to eat more nutritious, healthy foods, as well as hydrating well this week.

If we were having coffee…I’d tell you that Uni is going well, but that it’s really different to my first degree. Our Monday’s are very science heavy, with Anatomy & Physiology followed by Cellular & Molecular Systems. Thursdays seem to be a bit more fun, with Sociology & Psychology, followed by Human Nutrition. Most of our lectures are two hours long, followed by 1-2 hours of tutorials.

London Met

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I’ve got a new job, working on the reception at a fab Barre studio in Fulham called Paola’s Body Barre. It’s on Classpass, or you can book individual classes/block sessions online. Please say hi if you’re in the area or come to take a class- I’ll be working a couple of times a week as well as taking a lot of classes after Chicago!

If we were having coffee…I’d ask how you were getting on? What’s been going on with you this week?


  1. fionajarrett

    So sorry about your friend, very sad and hope you are alright. Sounds like you’ve had a very busy week! Congrats on your new job and best of luck for your marathon next week. Have an amazing time and enjoy!

  2. Sian david

    Hi Charlie I had to comment as this post made me feel 100 times better today. It was very real! Funnily enough my knee has been ‘crunchy’ too and my first marathon is 3 weeks away. After seeing the physio I haven’t run in a week either. I’m also resting/ foam rollering and bathing too. Why do we do it to ourselves?! Sorry to hear about your friend, I had something similar 5 years ago- partly why I am running the marathon. Enjoy New York and Chicago now and take faith in the fact you have worked so hard in your training. X

  3. healthyhappierbear

    I am so excited to see you too! I’m so sad that it’s such a short visit but far better than nothing at all. 🙂

  4. LSN

    Such a sad week for you, so sorry to hear about your friend. Hope the knee feels good on Sunday, rest is I’m sure the best thing. My Sunday has been rubbish with my slowest marathon in 4 years, but with a rubbish summer of training behind me it was never going to be great. Has given me huge focus on next year… a spring and autumn marathon (Chicago for me) already committed to!

    • charlotte

      Thank you Laura, so great to get something positive out of a ‘bad’ run and give you more determination for next year!

  5. Jess

    Love this post Charlie, although I’m so sorry to hear about your friend and I’m glad you have lots of friends around you to provide support. I hope you’re doing OK. In answer to your question, if we were having coffee I’d tell you I started a new job this week in a GP practice closer to home. I was so nervous but it went OK. I’d tell you I’ve got my running mojo back and am finally loving my runs again. And I’d tell you I’m off to kilimanjaro in a few weeks as an expedition doctor which I am also terrified about! Have a great week. Absolutely love NYC x

    • charlotte

      Thanks Jess, how is the new job going? Must be nice being closer to home with less of a commute! Can’t wait to read all about Kilimanjaro- highly recommend some sessions at The Altitude Centre if you haven’t already given them a go!

  6. peachylau

    I really like the tone of this post! Miss you chica, I hope that we can have coffee together soon. I am sorry to hear the loss of your friend, keep taking care of yourself xx

    • charlotte

      Thank you lovely, it’s been a really really sad week and a bit.

  7. Gabrielle

    Have a great trip! You’ll have great weather when you’re in NYC – I’d love to join you for a shakeout run if the timing works. If not, enjoy Central Park and have a great race in Chicago!

  8. Nicole

    welcome to NY!! good luck in Chicago!!!

    • charlotte

      THANK YOU!! I am in love with New York!


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