
Active Travel



Tokyo Marathon Training Week 1

Oct 23, 2017 | Running, Running Advice | 1 comment

You may or may not have seen that I’ve started sharing short, daily workout videos on my Youtube channel – you can subscribe here to stay updated – plus I’ll be sharing the videos in my weekly training roundups. Can I get to 1000 subscriptions by the end of October? ?

Monday – Gait analysis session with Jordane at Function 360 Physiotherapy to see whether I could benefit from insoles and to establish the imbalances in my body. So interesting – you can use the code #F360CW15 for 15% off any treatment session at Function 360.

Tuesday – Gym session working on the exercises that Harvey, a Rehabilitation and Corrective Exercise specialist at Function 360, set me. After Uni I met my friend Bamf for a spin class at Boom Cycle in Hammersmith. Such a fun workout.

Wednesday – Barry’s Bootcamp with my friend Jo. We ran hills which was tough but I could already feel the difference between the workout last week and this week. That afternoon I had a session with Harvey, working on strength and mobility. It is TOUGH!

Thursday – PT session with Laura at LPPT. You might recognise Laura from the fitness classes I’ve been going to in Henley for a while but I’ve started working with her to do some sessions to improve my fitness and strength to help with running. She helped my cousin, Lucy, lose a stone and a half this summer and massively improve her strength and confidence!

Friday – 1 mile warm up, 5 x 6 minutes at 10K pace with 90 second jogged recoveries. The first few reps were around a 7.40 pace before I turned around and ran into a ridiculous headwind and my pace dropped to about an 8 min pace with the same effort. 1 mile cool down.

Saturday – For my cousin’s 21st Birthday she wanted to go to Bootcamp in Henley – so we had a 21st themed bootcamp. I made her wear a tutu and we all sang happy birthday whilst in plank, had crab walking races and basically beasted her! Obviously refuelled with cake afterwards…

Sunday – 9 miles along the Thames. My first official ‘long run’ of Tokyo training went so well. It was sunny but cool – my perfect running weather. Although I was supposed to be running 9.15 min miles, I was easily ticking along at 8.40 pace so I just ran what felt easy and comfortable. I kept think my pacing would slow and it didn’t until I met up with Emma for the final 3 miles (meaning we were talking while we ran).

You can see my workout on Strava – Charlie Runner Beans is my username.

Thoughts on this week – I didn’t run enough. I feel like a had a great week of workouts but I need to prioritise my runs at the start of the week and fit the other workouts around the runs, rather than the other way round. I ran three times this week…next week I’m going to try to run four – five times. I’m also keen to ensure I complete the workout Harvey sent me at least five times a week!


1 Comment

  1. W.Purves.

    Exhausting just watching! G.


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